Portrait of Daniel Fritz

Daniel Fritz

Senior Economist

Daniel Fritz is Senior Economist at Düsseldorf Competition Economics. He has profound knowledge in the field of competition economic analysis as well as in the quantification of cartel damages. In this context, he has worked on projects in various sectors (including finance, postal services, telecommunications). Furthermore, he accompanied various merger proceedings in the field of food in the food retail sector.

He studied economics with a focus on empirical competition economics and regulatory economics at the University of Trier and at the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.

+49 (0) 211 130 666 38

MSc Economics, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (DICE)

BSc Economics, Trier University

Fritz D.,S. Saljanin und C. Wey, EU Resale Price Maintenance: An overview of EU and national case law, e-Competitions EU Resale Price Maintenance, Art. N° 121710

Christian Wey, Benjamin Schröder and Daniel Fritz, Creating the Single Market: The AB InBev Case in Perspective, November 2022, Concurrences No 4-2022, Art. N° 108966, pp. 36-42 .

Haucap, J., D. Fritz and S. Thorwarth (2021), Wettbewerb und Wettbewerbsverzerrungen am Messe­standort Deutschland, forthcoming in List Forum für Finanz- und Wirtschaftspolitik.