We offer our clients methodologically and professionally excellent consulting on competition and regulatory issues. Our expertise is based on state-of-the-art techniques of empirical competition analysis. At the same time, we understand how to formulate our findings clearly and precisely, both verbally and in writing. Our partners and advisors have many years of practical and academic experience in the full range of competition and regulatory issues, including related antitrust and regulatory issues. We assist clients in damage quantification litigation, antitrust proceedings, abuse of market power or merger proceedings. Public institutions and regulatory authorities also rely on our expertise.

Wir bieten unseren Kunden methodisch und fachlich exzellente Beratung bei Wettbewerbs- und Regulierungsfragen.
Quantification of Damage
Our team of experts not only has a wide range of theoretical knowledge, but also extensive practical experience in the context of claims for damages. We have prepared expert reports on damage quantification for a large number of clients. In this context, it is a particular concern of ours to efficiently design the data preparation and analysis process together with our clients. We have often presented economic facts in legal disputes as expert witnesses before both courts and arbitration tribunals and have answered questions during intensive rounds of questioning.
Merger Control
Together with our clients, we identify relevant data and develop successful strategies when it comes to eliminating or formulating competition concerns in vertical and horizontal mergers. We offer in-depth market knowledge and can thus identify markets, identify dominant positions and develop damage theories to give a clear picture of the consequences of a merger. Our experts maintain a professional exchange with the cartel authorities and also represent the arguments as expert witnesses in court and out-of-court negotiations.
Cartels and anti-competitive agreements
It is often controversial whether certain behaviour or agreements are problematic from a competition economics and antitrust law perspective. We provide our clients with a well-founded economic risk assessment and advise on how to proceed. We stand by our clients and contribute our expertise to the discussion with the competition authorities. In clearly formulated expert opinions, we provide evidence of the effects that certain types of conduct will have and of other factors that may influence and possibly restrict competition. Together with our clients, we conduct exchanges with the regulatory authorities and also represent our expertise in court.
Abuse of Market Power
Our experts have extensive experience in the competition economic analysis of market power abuse and the resulting abusive behaviour. For this, we advise on the basis of methodologically excellent expertise, which is based on the latest economic theoretical approaches and state-of-the-art techniques of empirical competition analysis.
Network Industries
Whether in the electricity, gas or postal sector - we are experts in the field of network industries and when it comes to highlighting the competitive economic aspects of network-based industries and have already been able to convince numerous clients of this. We know how important the right institutional framework conditions are for market operations and outcomes and bring this knowledge to our advisory work.
Digital Platform Markets
No market is like any other. This is especially true for digital platform markets. We are experts in the analysis of platform markets and their peculiarities. Our experts have extensive experience in defining the relevant market and assessing market power in dynamic and multi-sided markets
Regulatory Issues
The state's regulatory and organisational setting decisively determines market outcomes. We analyse regulatory approaches, legislative proposals and amendments and support the development of a new market design for your industry.