
Konsum Leipzig darf EDEKA-Verbund beitreten

The Federal Competition Authority (Bundeskartellamt) has approved the intended merger of Konsumgenossenschaft Leipzig eG, Leipzig, into EDEKA Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thüringen eG, Rottendorf, and thus into the EDEKA group. Düsseldorf Competition Economics supported EDEKA Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thüringen in this exciting project with competition economic arguments and prepared a competitive assessment of …


Haucap & Wey citied by The White House

In its annual "2024 Economic Report of the President", the White House refers to a paper by our partner Justus Haucap (together with Christian Wey). The paper "Unionisation Structures and Innovation Incentives" (Haucap, J. & Wey, C. (2004), The Economic Journal, Volume 114, Issue 494, March 2004, Pages C149-C165) shows how labour market policy can promote innovation through the …


Expertise presentation: Bureaucracy in Germany and the consequences for the German economy

Justus Haucap presented and discussed our study commissioned by the INSM Bureaucracy and its consequences for the economy in Germany at a panel discussion of the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM), which was also attended by Federal Minister of Justice Dr. Marco Buschmann. Haucap emphasized that a market-based economic system requires a regulatory framework with clear rules. However, …


Düsseldorf Competition Economics ranked in the TOP 10 of the most popular consulting firms

Düsseldorf Competition Economics is one of the TOP 10 most recommended consultancies for competition economics according to an evaluation by the law magazine Juve. More than 300 recommendations from law firms and lawyers were taken into account. In particular, they praised the competence of the back office, which is fed by "ever new bright minds". DCE is represented twice in the people ranking: …


DICE Consult becomes Düsseldorf Competition Economics

Written by Susanne Thorwarth, Managing Director Düsseldorf Competition Economics In celebration of our tenth anniversary, we have decided to rename DICE Consult GmbH. As of 31 March 2023, we officially have the company name Düsseldorf Competition Economics GmbH. Why a new name? Ten years ago, we started as a small spin-off from the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) of the …


FIW-Symposion: Justus Haucap als Hauptredner geladen

At the annual symposium of the Research Institute for Economic Constitution and Competition (Forschungsinstitut für Wirtschaftsverfassung und Wettbewerb e.V.), our partner Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap is invited as one of the keynote speakers and will speak on the topic "Challenges for competition policy in the next 10 years: Digital markets, sustainability and labour markets!" In addition to Haucap, …


Thought Leader: Justus Haucap ranked by Who is Who Legal

According to "Who is Who Legal" our partner Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap is once again one of the leading experts in the field of "Competition". He is a great economist and consultant with an impressive backround. Who's Who Legal identifies the world's leading lawyers and advisors in various areas of business law. Read more


FAZ reports on our expert opinion on the audit market

In its issue of May 13, 2022, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports on a Düsseldorf Competition Economics (former DICE Consult) report on concentration in the auditing market, which was commissioned by the auditing company Mazars. The study concludes that the market for statutory audits of companies' financial statements suffers from high concentration. In Germany in particular, the four …


Antitrust Writing Award for Hans-Theo Normann and Olivia Bodnar

Düsseldorf Competition Economics partner Prof. Dr. Hans-Theo Normann and Economist Dr. Olivia Bodnar (together with Melinda Fremerey (IW Cologne) and Jannika Schad (Uni Siegen)) have won the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Award 2022 in the category Academic Article/ Private Enforcement! The award was given for the article "The effects of private damage claims on cartel activity: Experimental …


To Nominees for the Antitrust Writing Award 2022

Our partner Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap was nominated for the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Award 2022 (together with Christina Heldmann (Uni Düsseldorf) and Prof. Dr. Holger Rau (Uni Göttingen)) with the paper "Gender and Collusion". Also nominated are our partner Prof. Dr. Hans-Theo Normann and Economist Dr. Olivia Bodnar (together with Dr. Jannika Schad (Uni Siegen) and Melinda Fremerey …


Haucap Participant in the Working Group on Competition Economics at the Federal Cartel Office "Bundeskartellamt"

Our partner Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap was a participant in the sixth meeting of the Competition Economics Working Group initiated by the German Federal Cartel Office. At this meeting, staff members of the Bundeskartellamt discuss current competition economics issues with scientists. This year's meeting focused on competition in the electricity first sales market and in the furniture retail sector. …


F.A.Z. Economist Ranking: Haucap in the Top 20 of the most influential Economists

In the economist ranking of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.), Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap is ranked 18th and is thus among the top 20 influential economic advisors. Compared to the previous year, the Düsseldorf Competition Economics partner has moved up three places. Haucap scores particularly well in the field of politics and is frequently named as a particularly influential advisor by …


Report: Fair and Equal Opportunities in Germany as a Trade Fair Location

What about fairness and equality of opportunity in Germany as a trade fair location? The trade fair sector in Germany is special in an international comparison. Public trade fair companies in Germany not only operate the trade fair infrastructure, but as vertically integrated providers they also run their own trade fairs and thus compete with private trade fair organizers. The fact that this …


Start of trial in timber cartel: Düsseldorf Competition Economics ( formerly DICE Consult) calculates claimes for damages

Since July 1, 2021, the cartel damages trial in the log cartel has been heard at the Stuttgart Regional Court. In one of the largest lawsuits of its kind to date, dozens of sawmills are suing not only the state of Baden-Württemberg but also other federal states. In the lawsuit against the federal state of Hesse, Düsseldorf Competition Economics has taken over the calculation of the amount of …


Justus Haucap honored by Who is Who Legal

According to "Who is Who Legal" our partner Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap is one of the leading experts in the field of "Competition". He is an outstanding economist who provides well-founded answers to many competition questions. Who's Who Legal identifies the world's leading lawyers and consultants in various areas of business law.


Haucap, Wey and Heimeshoff nominated for "Antitrust Writing Award 2021"

The article "Vertical relations, pass-through, and market definition: Evidence from grocery retailing" by Justus Haucap, Ulrich Heimeshoff and Christian Wey (together with Gordon Klein and Dennis Rickert) has been nominated for the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Award 2021 in the category "Academic Articles". The article was published in the International Journal of Industrial …


Expertise: More Competition for Letter Mail

Will the new Postal Act create more competition in the mail market? A legal and economic expert opinion commissioned by the Bundesverband für Briefdienste [BDD] with the collaboration of our partner Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap says: Yes! The amendment to the Postal Act can prevent the ex-monopolist Deutsche Post AG (DPAG) from exploiting its market power and charging competitors excessive prices …


Federal Audit Office cites Düsseldorf Competition Economics (formerly DICE Consult) report

In an report on the implementation of the "Energiewende" in Germany, the Federal Audit Officecites a study commissioned by the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft. For the first time, the Düsseldorf Competition Economics study calculates the total costs of the energy transition in the area of electricity generation. According to this, the costs amounted to a total of around 520 …


Bei Anruf Wettbewerb: New Podcast with Justus Haucap

In the new podcast "Bei Anruf Wettbewerb", our partner Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap discusses and debates current cases and developments from the world of competition together with Prof. Dr. Rupprecht Podszun, Director of the Institute for Antitrust Law at Heinrich Heine University. In the first episode of "Bei Anruf Wettbewerb," the Düsseldorf professors explain why the 10th GWB amendment is a minor …


Ministry of Economics and Digitalization NRW publishes Düsseldorf Competition Economics (formerly DICE Consult) study on B2B platforms

Whether it's trade in chemical goods or logistics services, North Rhine-Westphalia is a pioneer in the field of so-called B2B platforms - digital marketplaces where goods, services or information are traded between companies. North Rhine-Westphalia's two locational advantages are its strong industrial sector and its many international trade fairs. These are the key findings of a study by …
