DCE's arguments are strong: Konsum Leipzig may join EDEKA group


The Federal Competition Authority (Bundeskartellamt) has approved the intended merger of Konsumgenossenschaft Leipzig eG, Leipzig, into EDEKA Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thüringen eG, Rottendorf, and thus into the EDEKA group. Düsseldorf Competition Economics supported EDEKA Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thüringen in this exciting project with competition economic arguments and prepared a competitive assessment of the regional markets.

This is the first time ever that the Cartel Office has considered and examined the entry of an independent retailer into the EDEKA group as a merger subject to control. Even after a very intensive examination, the Cartel Office did not consider the conditions for prohibiting the project to be met.

Press Release of Bundeskartellamt