Habilitation, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Doctorate, Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg
MBA (Diplom-Kaufmann), University of Duisburg-Essen
Haucap, J. and U. Heimeshoff (2022), Kartellschadensermittlung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Präzision und Effizienz: Prinzipielle Anforderungen aus ökonomischer Perspektive und praktische Handlungsoptionen, Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht, Vol. 20(1), pp. 80-103.
Coppik, J. and U. Heimeshoff (2021), Praxis der Kartellschadensermittlung, Handelsblatt Fachmedien.
Haucap, J. and U. Heimeshoff, G. Klein, D. Rickert und C. Wey (2021), Vertical Relations, Pass-through, and Market Definition: Evidence from Grocery Retailing, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 74, 102693.
Friese, M., U. Heimeshoff and G. Klein (2020), Property Rights and Transaction Costs - The Role of Ownership and Organization in German Public Provision, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 72.
Haucap, J., U. Heimeshoff and A. Rösner (2020), The Impact of Consumer Protection in the Digital Age: Evidence from the European Union, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 73, 102585.
Heimeshoff, U. (2018), Google-Android Entscheidung der EU: Marktmacht missbraucht?, Wirtschaftsdienst, Vol. 98, pp. 538.
Haucap, J. and U. Heimeshoff (2018), Die technischen und wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen der Energieversorgung, in: Hoch, H. und J. Haucap (Hrsg.), Praxishandbuch Energiekartellrecht, De Gruyter, Berlin.
Haucap, J., U. Heimeshoff and M. Siekmann (2017), Fuel Prices and Station Heterogeneity on Retail Gasoline Markets, The Energy Journal, Vol. 38(6), pp. 81-103.
Dewenter, R., U. Heimeshoff and H. Lüth (2017), Less Pain at the Pump? The Effects of Regulatory Interventions in Retail Gasoline Markets, Applied Economics Quarterly
Dewenter, R. and U. Heimeshoff (2017), Predicting Advertising Volumes Using Structural Time Series Models: A Case Study, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 37, pp. 1644-1652.
Haucap, J., U. Heimeshoff and D. Jovanovic (2014), Competition in Germany's Minute Reserve Power Market: An Econometric Analysis, The Energy Journal, Vol. 35, pp. 139-158.
Haucap, J. and U. Heimeshoff (2014), Google, Facebook, Amazon, eBay: Is the Internet Driving Competition or Market Monopolization?, International Economics and Economic Policy, Vol. 11, pp. 49-61.