Portrait of Marc Feist

Marc Feist

Public Relations

Marc Feist is responsible for the communication and public relations of Düsseldorf Competition Economics.

He has profound knowledge of regulatory analysis, in particular in competition policy issues, and has accompanied consulting projects in the energy industry, pharmacy market and postal market.

From 2008 to 2018 he held various positions at the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft - a subsidiary of the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln - in Berlin. There he worked intensively with topics of market opening and acquired specific experience in economic policy consulting. Most recently, as Senior Consultant, he was responsible for Principles and Studies. He joined DICE Consult in July 2018.

Marc studied economics at the University of Freiburg and the University of Gothenburg and graduated in 2008 with a diploma in economics.

+49 211 130 666 30

MSc Economics (Diplom-Volkswirt), University of Freiburg