Portrait of Dr. Christiane Kehder

Dr. Christiane Kehder

Senior Economist

Dr. Christiane Kehder is Senior Economist at Düsseldorf Competition Economics. She has profound knowledge in the field of competition policy analysis and has extensive experience in the supervision and independent handling of projects in various competition economic fields. Her areas of expertise include in particular merger proceedings (e.g. VTG/CIT, EnBW/MVV) as well as competition economic issues in the area of network industries, in particular postal, energy and transport markets and in the area of digitisation (UBER, Sharing Economy).

From 2008 to 2013, Christiane worked as a researcher at Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, where she received her doctorate with a thesis on competition policy and market definition in platform markets. During her doctorate she dealt extensively with competition policy and regulatory issues in the area of merger control, network industries and platform markets and has published scholarly papers on these topics. From 2002 to 2008, Christiane studied economics at the University of Freiburg and the University of Almeria (Spain).

+49 (0) 211 130 666 34

Dr. rer. pol., Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

MSc Economics (Diplom-Volkswirtin), University of Freiburg

Haucap, J., C. Kehder, I. Loebert and M. Prüfer [2024], Eine ökonomische Analyse des Marktes für Wirtschaftsprüfung: Funktionsdefizite und Reformoptionen, Nomos: Baden-Baden.

Haucap, J., C. Kehder and I. Loebert (2021), B2B-Plattformen - Potenziale, Hemmnisse und Handlungsoptionen am Beispiel von Nordrhein-Westfalen, Nomos, Baden-Baden.

Busch, C., V. Demary, B. Engels, J. Haucap, C. Kehder, I. Loebert and C. Rusche (2021), Sharing Economy in Deutschland - Stellenwert und Regulierungsoptionen für Beherbergungsdienstleistungen, Nomos, Baden-Baden.

Haucap, J. and C. Kehder (2018), Welchen Ordnungsrahmen braucht die Sharing Economy?, in J. Dörr, N. Goldschmidt & F. Schorkopf (Hrsg.), Share Economy: Institutionelle Grundlagen und gesellschaftspolitische Rahmenbedingungen, Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen.

Haucap, J., U. Heimeshoff, C. Kehder, J. Odenkirchen and S. Thorwarth (2017) , Auswirkungen der Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe, Vol. 10, pp. 721-726.

Haucap, J., F. Pavel, R. Aigner, M. Arnold, M. Hottenrott and C. Kehder (2017), Chancen der Digitalisierung auf Märkten für urbane Mobilität: Das Beispiel Uber, List-Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik ,Vol. 43, pp. 139-183.

Haucap, J. and C. Kehder (2014), Stellen Google, Amazon, Facebook & Co. wirklich die marktwirtschaftliche Ordnung zur Disposition?, ifo Schnelldienst, Vol. 67 (16), pp. 3-6.