Habilitation, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Dr. rer. pol., Europäisches Hochschulinstitut Florenz, Italien
Diplom Volkswirt, Universität Freiburg im Breisgau
Auszug -zur vollständigen Publikationsliste
Benndorf, V., Martínez-Martínez, I. und Normann [2021], Games With Coupled Populations: An Experiment in Continuous Time, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 195,105281.
Bodnar, O., M. Fremerey, H.-T. Normann und J. Schad [2021], The Effects of Private Damage Claims on Cartel Stability: Experimental Evidence, The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, Vol. 2, ewab010.
Normann, H.-T. und Wenzel (2019), T., Shrouding Add-on Information - An Experimental Study", The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 121, S. 1705-1727.
Fischer, C. and H.-T. Normann [2019] , Collusion and Bargaining in Asymmetric Cournot Duopoly—An experiment, European Economic Review, Vol. 111, S. 360-379.
Benndorf, V. und H.-T. Normann [2018], The Willingness to Sell Personal Data, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 120 (4), S. 1260-1278.
Möllers, C., H.-T. Normann und C. M. Snyder [2017], Communication in Vertical Markets: Experimental Evidence, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 50, S. 214-258.
Heinz, M., H.-T. Normann und H. Rau [2016], How Competitiveness May Cause a Gender Wage Gap: Experimental Evidence, European Economic Review, Vol. 90, S. 336–349.
Fonseca, M. A. und H.-T. Normann [2014], Endogenous Cartel Formation: Experimental Evidence Economics Letters, 125, S. 223–225.
Hinloopen, J., W. Müller und H.-T. Normann [2014], Output Commitment Through Product Bundling—Experimental Evidence, European Economic Review, Vol. 65, S. 164-180.
Tan, E. und H.-T. Normann [2014], The Effects of Cartel Policy: Evidence from the German Cable Industry, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 23(4), S. 1037-1057.